Stock Value Prediction using External Features
Predicted stock values utilizing Recurrent Neural Networks and external features like raw material prices, dollar strength, fuel prices, weather conditions, and real estate prices.
Implemented the model in Python using the Keras framework.
Research paper recommendation system
A recommender system, that recommends machine learning research papers that are similar to searched research paper.
Integrates content-based filtering with Specter embeddings to recommend similar research papers.
Image Composition Using Deep Learning using PyTorch
Integrated objects into related paintings using VGG19 Algorithm.
Maintained authenticity of composition while minimizing potential losses in style, content, color, and variation.
GitHub Link:
Image Captioning using Keras
Generated descriptive captions for images using Convolution Neural Networks and Recurrent Neural Networks.
Accurately identified scenes and entities within the images.
Implemented with Keras Framework.
GitHub Link:
Wild Cats Classification using Keras
Classified 4 categories of wild cats using Convolution Neural Networks.
Leveraged the Keras framework for implementation.
GitHub Link:
Question Pair similarity detection using Keras
Detected similarity between questions in a large library of data using Siamese Network architecture.
Calculated similarity score with high accuracy and efficiency.
GitHub Link: